This post is brought to you by the following: an amazing art link -that is a part of the Human Cell Atlas Project of a gifted artist and AI data sculpture of a cell 😉 - in the beginning of this post/above most accurate picture of a cell without any new technologies AI stuff :) - and it's also a reminder that we're approaching the birthdate of the Son of God on Earth (by the way, I'm not feeling very Christmassy, and 2023 has been a tough year for me ;) like last years lol - thanks for any support ).
I won't delve into religious matters at all (since I'm not religious but spiritual-scientific person, by the way). This post, which is somewhat like me 😊, is more of a spiritual-scientific exploration.
I've wondered since I was young how God can watch over all 7-8 billion of us, given our diversity. Now I know. It's because He exists outside of time (after all, time is a human 'invention' with one of its purposes being the reference to a fixed 'measure'), and we are quantum entities (see my previous post about the introduction to Quantum Computing Information Science).
Certain tasks/problems that would take more than 1,000 years with current silicon-based chips could be solved by a Quantum Computer in a matter of minutes. Knowing more about Quantum machines, human biology, astronomy, Universe laws, and also ancient knowledge allows you to intuit much more deeply about where we come from and where we are going. By the way, on the topic of quantum physics, I believe it should be taught in schools as 'basic stuff' because currently, it's only taught to advanced students, and many only know Newtonian physics. It has major implications in many other fields. Just an idea – it's difficult for an ordinary person that think within the 'limits of Newtonian physics' to understand quantum physics – it's not easy, but from a young age, you should get used it, lol.
Think about it; we are built like biological robots, and everything we experience (activities recorded in the subconscious) can be 'consulted' or 'downloaded.' Although it seems like science fiction/religious that at the judgment day, we will present ourselves as we are in front of God, it makes sense from scientific point of view (😊 probably another human invention – the logic- . The law of God in Christianity and in all religions – Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., is Love and Compassion). The idea of punishment if you don't follow biblical laws seems, based on my knowledge, more like a human invention to manipulate other people's will in the absence of God's will.
Because I've been granted the privilege to see behind the curtain of the afterlife, I'll share with you, although for most, it seems like incredible and Science Fiction or psihozis picture :). For many who have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs), it might seem normal, lol. Afterlife is like floating towards a gate (like a gong) of our souls into a kind of primordial soup, having a human shape but being only energetic outlines. There is no action, no heaven or hell, just a suspension of time, and these energetic beings are awaiting something (here I might disappoint you – I haven't seen reincarnations or something similar).
I hope to intrigue you 😊 with the following statement: children choose their parents and stay in a kind of waiting room for children.
In the end, art brings us closer to gods, and the next clip about Greek mythology, made, of course, with AI Data Sculpture , is wow .
Free substack post-ideas in 2024
I have concluded that free things are not appreciated enough (as an idea, any article/post, or the solo publication of a book requires quite a bit of effort from my part as you figured out ;) ), therefore, starting from 2024, there will be a minimum amount of money/subscription required to be more appreciated the posts, by the way ;).
Enjoy and make a good deed or donation for small children that die if you do not help them Asociatia Blondie .
I do not request you to read my book (Trip 1.0 in en or Calatoria 1.0 in ro ) to see how psychedelics (my 6th no revolution ) started making a miracle ;).If you are interested it is free the book and in my previous posts details of access;). See you!
This post it is also to think at least in weekend about knowing with modesty about Universe and who create you and other beings (human and non human -with life in them ;) )